I want to show you a very simple craft I made after watching the anime Shugo Chara. It's based off of Nadeshiko's hair ribbon. I made a wide variety of colors and sizes, so experiment to find what works best for you.

This is what it looks like when it's finished. (It's on a Bratz styling head by the way. Never thought that would come in handy.)
What you need:
Small clothespins, or the mini brightly colored kind. Those work well too.
Fake flowers (Any kind you want. Available at craft stores.)
And Glue. Even though the pictuere didn't show up.
Cut the flower off the stem. Put glue at the base of it, as close as you can.
Wrap the ribbon around it a few times, and secure it with a clothespin.
Hey, look. The glue picture showed up! :D A little late now I guess...
Roll the ribbon up on your fingers and secure with a small clothespin. This step is really only imprtant if you're making a super long one.And you're done! Just let it dry a few hours.
Oh, and this is my bearded dragon Poppy.
This is awkward.
Can anyone give me advice for ending posts? I'm finding I'm really bad at this.
That works.
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